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ALL ORDERS must be placed a minimum of 3 days prior to your arrival date. You can now pay your order via ZELLE. Note that we are experiencing extreme shortages on the island, so it is highly possible that we will have to substitute some items with similar products. Thank you for your understanding!

Resort & Villa Partners

Lagniappe's Belize Grocery.com is proud to be affiliated with these properties who think enough of their guests to ensure every little thing is taken care of when they arrive for their vacation. We work closely with our partners to ensure that your order is stocked in time for your arrival so your first night is one of relaxation, enjoying the spectacular views.

Share with your friends and family the fantastic customer service Lagniappe's Belize Grocery.com provides, that will make their vacation to Belize a wonderful memory.

Browse through our Partners to find the Resort or Villa that will complete your dream vacation.

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